Hey, Howzit going? Firstly, you may have noticed again that the site had changed… again. This theme let’s me write a super long blog post but also lets me have a read more section and not have to display the whole post. I liked the other theme, but it gave me annoying issues when I tried to used the read more link. This one seems to work better, so if you’d like to read more about my rant about rich people, read more. If not, keep on scrolling.

Funny thing about this cartoon is that there are 2 versions of it. And the above is the 2nd version I made after the original version sold but took years to get published. This version below was the original version that I was sure was never going to sell and I’d just end up posting it on social media. So it sold and I was kinda sad, coz I wanted to post it and show people. But now I’d have to wait for it to be published first which usually takes a couple of months. Months went by and it still was never published. I’d been paid already but was getting really annoyed that I couldn’t show anyone the cartoon. So I decided to use the same kind of idea but change the caption a bit.

I’m not sure which version I prefer. Both are ridiculous… or are they? Shall we rant about billionaires and rich people for a bit? I think we should.

Let me start off by saying that I hate celebrities more than tech billionaire people. I’m pretty sure they’re all evil, but the celebrities (Mainly the movie stars and singers) don’t really seem to have an opinion of their own. They just say whatever they’re told to say. They all agree with whatever the thing we’re all supposed to agree on and if they don’t, they lose their millionaire lifestyle. This leads to some celebrities saying the most retarded shit. It blows my mind how Eminem is still around. Back in the 90’s he was the complete opposite of what he is now and it got me wondering, was he being told what to think and promote back then too?
It always confused me how much attention was put on which candidate a celebrity was voting for. Like, would you ask the waiter at a coffee shop for advice on who to vote for? No, of course not. But if that waiter gets cast in a movie, now we must care about his opinion? It doesn’t make sense. I’d actually rather hear the opinion of the guy who works in the coffee shop because his reality is closer to the average persons. These movie stars are so desperate to stay rich and famous that they’ll say whatever they’re told to say. They’re so fucking out of touch it’s insane. I knew actors were crazy, but what I learnt during lockdowns was that, man, these dudes have no fucking clue about the real world.
What I can’t understand is how much shit they get away with. So say with Harvey Fartstein, he gets thrown under the bus for being a super pervy creep… But fuck all happens to the people that knew about what he was up to. There’s years of videos of celebrities at award shows thanking him for being the greatest man alive, some called him a god, but then he gets taken down and the celebrities suddenly start saying how bad a man he was… but… they knew. They knew and they hung out with him. I don’t understand how we’re just supposed to forgive them for that? We then get that fellow with the island…

So old Jeffery has an island where he takes rich people to party along with underage girls… he eventually gets found out and thrown under the yacht… but again, the celebrities he hung out with are ignored.
And now Puff Daddy, P-Diddy, Puffy, P-Fiddly, whatever you want to call him, the same thing happens. He has the same dodge parties, the same celebrities are involved. He get’s thrown under the lowrider and nothing happens to the celebrities that went to the parties? How?
Like, of all the shit people whine about on social media, this stuff never seems to go anywhere. Instead we focus on whatever random issue we’re told to cry about. It’s always the same shit. Something important will happen, people will start to get pissed off, but then magically there’s some new drama about race, or some super emergency about the climate, or ooh look, UFO. It pisses me off.
Oof, the climate thing may bug me the most. It’s annoying to talk about because as soon as you mention anything that’s not with the approved thinking on climate you can almost feel the angry emails being typed. But… now listen before you start sending me whiney emails… I probably recycle more than you, I care about the environment… BUT… I don’t give a shit what any celebrity has to say about the topic. These fucks cause more damage to the environment in one day than you’ll do in your fucking life. They do not give a fuck about you or the planet.
Now my feelings on climate change and all that jazz. I’m over it. I went through so many years of school having this fear of the end of the world being thrown in my face. Global warming, acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer, climate change. I was told that by the year 2000 there would be no polar icecaps, People wouldn’t know what a polar bear was. So many countries would be under water… It never ever arrived. I spent so many years stressing about this shit and I’m over it. People have cut down on so fucking much and it’s never enough. It will never be enough. You give up one thing and you’ll be told to give up on another. Petrol cars are so much better for the environment now than they were 30 years ago. Fuel used to have lead in it and I remember reading about when they decided to remove lead and people had to install funky things in their cars for them to be able to run. But this removing of the lead was going to help save the environment. Everyone did that and we changed to unleaded and the day was saved. But no, now unleaded was bad too! And your straws were jumping out of the recycle bin and sticking themselves right up a turtles nostril. Now cows are actually the real problem. It just made me stop caring. Nothing we can do will ever be enough and we’ll forever have to give up more and more. We’re spending more and more on worse quality shit. I now have to have an electric shower because supposedly this is better for the environment, but the electric shower dribbles out a tiny stream of warm water and it costs way more than it used to. It doesn’t fucking work. It would probably be warmer and cheaper to just pay a dude to pee on me rather than to use this electric piece of shit. And then on to electric cars.
The genius of the climate fearmongering is that it’s allowed rich people to criticise and blame people pretty much for being poor. The fancy electric cars are awesome and have good range… but if you can’t afford one of those and you need a petrol car … you don’t care about the environment. Electric cars aren’t the solution. The cheap ones, firstly aren’t even cheap, and they’re shit. They can’t get you anywhere and it costs about as much as petrol to run. The hybrid ones are stupid because in petrol mode they usually get worse mileage than a regular petrol and they forget to mention that you’ll mainly be using it with petrol because the electric part only goes for a few miles. Also, dudes, electric cars catch fire a fuck ton. I know I can google and see that, no, in fact, petrol cars catch fire more than electric… thanks google… but I’ve never in my life seen a petrol car randomly catch fire, this is including when I lived in South Africa where the cars are in awful conditions. I moved to the UK 4 years ago and have seen 5 electric car fires. Also, so now Luton Airport still has it’s parking lot shut down 2 years after it burnt down. Apparently, they say, it wasn’t an electric car that caught fire. Now I’m not sure if I believe that because I don’t believe anything I’m told anymore, but… let’s say it was a normal car that caught fire… what happens when that caused the electric car next to it to catch fire. The thing with electric car fires is they don’t go out for hours. You just need to wait for it to die out. So what happens in a parking garage when an electric car catches fire? Luton Airport happens. I had heard the stories of the fire, but I only really understood the size when I visited the airport. Dude that place was fucked and still closed. So even if you believe that it was a diesel car that started the fire, you can be 100% sure it was the electric cars that kept that party going.
Anyway, I’ve been wondering why the push for electric cars when new petrol cars are pretty good for the environment. The answer is always who stands to make money from switching to electric. That would be the government. I’m down for keeping money in the country, but I’m not Ok with it costing more than just using petrol. The ones who suffer are the poor. Usually we care about the poor, but not when it comes to the environment apparently. I don’t agree with getting rid of a perfectly good petrol car that has great range, to get a shitty electric that costs more to buy, more to run, more to repair and no resell value just so that I can maybe help stop the shit I was told was going to kill me by the year 2000?
I got side-tracked there… but yeah. Don’t trust celebrities or politicians. They don’t give a fuck about you. Don’t believe all the fear porn that gets thrown in your face. Just be a nice person and look after your family and friends around you. Stop worrying about shit you have no control over and people in countries you’ll never go to. Live like it’s the ’90s, before the internet and access to disasters 24/7.
If you need help getting back into the ’90s way of thinking, check out my new series below!